I really had great fun today. We were celebrating my mom's and aunt's birthday. Yeah, they were born on the same day!
Okay, we went to Sentosa by car, and we reached there by around 11am.
We bought the tickets and we went to the first tourist attraction.
Yeah, I was so excited! We went in, and were greeted with well-preserved butterflies. I'm amazed with their beautiful colours. Shimmering silver and glamourous gold. Don't believe me? Take a look at this:

Beautiful and flamboyant colours of butterflies.
or this:

One of the species of the Morpho butterflies.
And I went to an area where there are live butterflies! It's been such a long time since I went to the Butterfly Park. I went there, and was surrounded by LOTS and LOTS of butterflies! It was a nice and wonderful feeling, really. And these are some photos which I took and felt was nice. (They're not taken from any sites!)

I felt this picture was the nicest, so I put my web address and my name to prevent stealing of photos.

Another nice shot, but it was kinda blur though.
And we saw some interesting happenings!

A butterfly struggling out of its cacoon. (Did I spelt it right?)

A butterfly having its food.

A pair of butterflies mating.
And we also went to the Insect Kingdom, which had beetles, scorpions and other camouflaging insects.

A picture of the one of the many beetles that we saw.
After walking out, we went to take a ride. A gravity-defying ride.

Okay, cable cars are nothing new, so I'm not going to talk much.
Nevermind, now for the next attraction.
One of the newest attractions that Sentosa had introduced.
THE SENTOSA LUGEWe went to ride the go-cart! Nonono, not those that you play at Escape Theme Park. But rather, this:

A picture of me wearing the helmet.
Speaking of the helmet, it has a pungent smell. Yucks! Probably been worn by tons and tons of people who sweat. Eww...
The ride was nice, and easy to operate. The tracks was considerably short. Maybe because I didn't had enough fun.
But I viewed some nice scenery. Thanks to...:

...the toboggan!
You probably seen this only on snowy mountains. But you can ride it on sunny Singapore!

My brother and I, riding the toboggan.
It was a very nice and relaxing ride. But on the same time, I developed a phobia of dropping my camera. And the highest height between the toboggan and the ground was probably around 5-7 storeys high.

This picture should give you a rough idea on how high it is.
After the Sentosa Luge, we went to...
Basically, it teaches you the history of Singapore.

The staff explaining to us about the different races during the olden days.
We were brought to a theatre and watch a 5 minutes video.

The theatre.
After that, we had to walk around and see wax figurines of the olden days. They were nicely well-done and put up. Great effort I'll say!

Living conditions of the coolies.
There were SO MANY things to see at the Images Of Singapore. They even put up festivals and wedding for tourists to see. From Hari Raya to Moon Cake Festival. From Indian wedding to Malay wedding, there's just too many things to see. If you do went there, I'm pretty sure you will be impressed!
After that, we went to the MUCH-ANTICIPATED, MUCH-AWAITED..

Okay, maybe I'm the only one who was so excited about the tourist attraction. I simply love it!
We reached the main entrance, was greeted with this:

A marine diver wiping the glass tank.
Seriously, that's one of the jobs I aspire to achieve, a marine diver at the Underwater World, besides being a marine biologist and an icthyologist.
I love fishes. Because I'm amazed from the wonders of the ocean, how beautiful Mother Nature can be.
Anyway, I saw beautiful jellyfishes and I took a very nice shot of them:

After that, we went into the 83 metre long tunnel. And here are some of the sea creatures we encountered and other fish tanks:

Some sharks cuddling together.

A humongous fish swmming by; probably a grouper.

The Japanese Giant Crab.

It's not a fish. It's a dugong!
After visiting the Underwater World, I was feeling sad to leave the place. And we went to....
We went uphill slope, and were so tired. Nothing much at Fort Siloso, except for some history and some wax figurines yet again.
Here are 2 photos:

And last but not least, the final tourist attraction that we went to..
We went there just in the nick of time to catch the show, and this is the first time that I've seen live dolphins!

The pink dolphins getting their snack.

A dolphin reaching for the ball.

A dolphin passing through the hulla-hoop.

Playing the hulla-hoop with her beak!

Taking the ball..

A Denmark tourist gets kissed by a pink dolphin.

Clap clap for my blog! Duh.

The pink dolphin waving her 'hands'.
Okay, thats all for today. I had lots and lots of fun. I'm convinced that at Sentosa, besides the beach, you need money to have fun. Today's trip probably costs more than 300 bucks. Anyway, please do not take and steal the pictures.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my brother for his wonderful Photoshopping skills and helping me out; very talented.
Okay, that's all folks! I'm so tired after loading the pictures and blogging. Have a great day!