Sunday, December 31, 2006
I shall end year 2006 with this beautiful video.
6 year old Heather Martin sings a song that her mother wrote for her Brother Shaun who is serving in Iraq. The song is written from Heather's point of view.
This video made me cried twice. The lyrics (which is below the video) is extremely touching. And I love the arrangement too!
I hope you will realise that there should NEVER be war in the first place. And people in Iraq, be it Americians or Iraqis face uncertainty everyday because they'll never know when they may die in the war.
Put yourself in these families' shoes. Let there be love and peace for 2007. May God be with Mankind.
Heather Martin - When Are You Coming Home
You were almost sixteen when I came into the world.
Mom and Dad had you first then 3 more boys I'm the baby girl.
I sure have a lot to look up to in you, you're really smart and funny with a big heart too.
After one year of college you knew what you had to do. It's just like you wanting to help with the war.
So you joined the army when I was only 4.
This time of year we talk of big plans but you're over seas in some distant land.
You can't be here for Christmas, I don't understand.
When are you coming home, Shaun?
When are you coming home?!
We lit up the house like we always do but it doesn't seem bright 'cause we can't have you.
In my prayers I ask God to keep you safe.
And I'm trying to be really brave.Tell me that the fighting's through.
Come home!I really miss you. It's hard to enjoy the holidays without you.
But we're so proud of you and all the red white and blue.
Remember that Jesus is your best friend,And someday our families will be together again.
Wow! You know we'll have a great big party then.
I want to show you how tall I've grown and introduce you to my new friends at school.Maybe we could go and get some ice cream together but I really don't care what we do.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
One post, many mentions.
There are several things I feel like mentioning.
I wanna thank my relatives and friends for those Christmas presents. Really love it guys, thanks!
It warms my heart when I step on the weighing scale, only to be greeted with pleasant numbers. Yes, my weight is plummeting!
My skin problem. It's getting worse, and I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO HAVE SCARS. I wouldn't want to have scars and it's currently affecting me terribly. I want to do something about it, but no money!
I've gotten my pay, and after paying this and that, here and there, I'm only left with $300. And it has to last me for the whole of January. And of course, my skin problem will only get worse.
Hoping against hope, and wish that my skin problem will not get worse, and that if I visit the doctor, it will not be expensive. And I do pray that the SK-II will help much!
Sigh, I'm going to end this post with this new photo, (skin is actually abit worse than this.)

wishing everyone a happy new year! God bless!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Well anyway, yesterday has been a fun but tiring day.
We went to this particular restaurant called DianXiaoEr at Marina Square to have our dinner. I guess it's been a while since I went to some "extravagant" restaurant. Gabriel ordered the food, and I'll tell you, the food was SO delicious. The Ten Wonders Duck and Angelic Duck was the best duck meat I've ever eaten in my life! The succulent meat and its sauce makes me drool!
Ah, but of course, great food comes with great price, and with a total of 6 dishes, the total amount was $147, and each of us had to pay around $25.
Night at the Museum
We watched this particular movie at 1.50am at Eng Wah Cinema. It's the first time I've watched such a late movie, because previously, the latest time I've ever watched was 8pm.
But anyway, the movie is one the best movies I've ever seen. Go watch it. I believe you will not regret it. And just in case you were wondering, history does really comes alive.
The Night Life
It's my first time tasting the night life of Singapore, and I must say I got really amused. The night life of Singapore is extremely good, and it's no wonder that Singapore was one of the tops in the world when it comes for night life.
Oh yeah, people were quarrelling and nearly fought in the Esplanade. And near to the Clifford Pier, people were drunk and fought again.
Merry Christmas guys!
Friday, December 22, 2006
I really cannot tolerate your mentality and attitude.
I feel like unleashing my hatred and fury towards you.
And stop giving lame excuses.
But once in a blue moon, your kind and caring gesture still touch me nonetheless.
But what should I do?
Should I confront you?
Or should I let hatred and storm brew inside my heart?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Good luck.
And also, to an old good friend, Brendan. Wish that you will complete your NS successfully. Don't succumb to peer influence alright? Let's meet up when you have the time.
And Janna, here it is:

I miss everyone, so do keep in contact and meet up next time!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Extremely controversial; about a girl who rebutts the point of violence from video games and rap music.
Pay attention to every word she is saying.
The Coolest 8 Year Old In The World Talks About O'Reilly
Warning: This is anti-religious and anti-christian.
And here are some comments by others:
"It's amazing that I'm agreeing with everyone she is saying. I'm glad that this new generation is going to take over the world. People are evolving like we have been for thousands of years, and it's a fact that we're only getting better."
"Why do some of you keep using the word empathy when you have no idea what it means. This video is clearly a one sided debate. They don't even try to think about anything O'reilly had to say at all because they think that anybody who doesn't think like them is stupid and shouldn't be considered on any of their opinions at all.That's not empathy...."
"It boggles my mind how there can be people out there who believe her speech is legitimate. Either you just love being lied to, or are so used to it that you have lost all sense of reality. I pity this little girl, good thing she has no idea what she's saying."
"Whoever said this was an unfair debate is a f***ing retard, because this is obviously suppose to be an angry rant from a kid who plays video games rather than a debate. Lastly, she's smarter than all of you who implied that she's blaming religion because she did NOT blame anything. If you look over the ENTIRE video, she said if O'Reilly blames something for violence in society, why blame kids playing video games (cause for a little violence) and not blame religion (cause for major violence)? And that is a legitimate argument."
I don't want to start a controversy, and the reason I'm showing this video is to show to you some awareness of how people think.
Disclaimer: is not responsible for anything.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
My first Christmas gift!
To Angie: The 2 plushies which is for your birthday and Christmas, can you don't put at the floor? It's sad you know! Haha!
Speaking of which, I was at Suntec because I wanted to look for watches. And I got some news about a private sale at Suntec City with several brands such as Fossil, DKNY, Emporio Armani etc. Actually, the main reason is because I wanna see if there's any Fossil watches that would catch my eye. And another reason is that it's 60% off!
So Angie and I went there, and looked around. Prices were pretty low, and I decided to buy one Fossil watch! Then, I realise it's not exactly 60% but it's defintely a great bargain. I bought one which looked similar to my previous watch, but the design is totally different. Actual price: $155
And I bought it for $77.50!
I totally love the watch. And I wanna thank Angie for informing of such a great sale!
And I guess I don't need to buy a watch for another year! But after buying, I'm so broke. Really broke. But I am contented though.
Working is a joy, because my working colleagues are always joking around. They're extremely affable, and being the youngest there, I'm always being bullied innocuously.
For example, one would shout out 'Ho', and the other will shout out 'James Ho'. Hehe.. And one of them, Yeancy, is an advanced diver! I was so excited man! Can't believe I would be working with a diver, and she has logged more than 100 dives. Hopefully I can be like her, and further into becoming a Dive Master.
And the greatest thing amongst working is that, I lost a whopping 5 kg within 2 weeks working there. How great is that?
Ah, I'm looking forward to my pay during the end of the month. I'll be able to pay off bills, presents of appreciation to Mrs Yap, Zi Cai and Long Wen, and give my parents, brother and maybe give a few of my relatives some money.
I really feel like a working adult, though technically speaking on a job-cum-experience vacation.
And readers, I guess all of you are either working or studying, so I wish you guys all the best! As for friends, we will meet up and catch up!
Life's tough in a sense, but though I'm a nincompoop, I'll hang in there.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
No life.
I want to be self-reliant, self-sufficient. The money that I worked for, will rightfully be mine and I will be fully in charge of my finances.
Therefore, I'm almost confirmed with working full-time for Avida Logistics, and that's because I've thoroughly thought it through, and I'm convinced that there will not be any diving.
And even if there's diving, I will not go. Sigh, just have to put on hold my passion for the sake of money.
And I'm still considering whether I wanna find another job on weekends.
7 days work and work and work. No life.
Haha, I'm an epitome of a need-money-teenager.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Got nothing to say.
And another thing that's probably certain is that I'll go to Singapore Polytechnic if my 'O' level grades are eligible. The main reason? It's the only polytechnic that has a diving club. Call me stupid, ridiculous or whatever and tell me there will be plenty of time for diving.
You see, ocean and sea is my world. And Scuba Diving is my passion, though it's a high-risk sport, is the key to my happiness. It seems easy to be fascinated to these things when the Earth is made up of 70% water. I see it as a hobby, and even a career.
And Sin Wee, just wanna say a big apology to you.
My current decision (It may be subjected to change) :
Work till 15 Dec for Avida Logistics if Crocodile decides to hire me. And will start work for Crocodile at 18 Dec all the way till my results. If there's really diving, I will ask for leave or something, and if it doesn't permits, I will not go.
Till this point, I also wanna say sorry to Avida Logistics. Though I promised you that I will quit until the diving day, I may not be able to fulfill the promise.
Sigh, I'm currently in a dilemma. I don't wish to type anymore..
Plunged into depression, for another time.
Went to Vivocity in the night with Guan Jie, and went for Crocodile's interview. It's not really an interview since the manager wasn't around. So we both just signed forms. And just wanna thank Zi Cai!
Then, Guan Jie and I went to watch fireworks. The sight was magnificent, probably because it's been ages since I've seen fireworks.
We met up with Zi Cai and went home. And he said that they seem to be more interested in hiring Guan Jie than me. And that immediately plunged me into depression. The problem doesn't lies with Guan Jie hire. It lies with me. I immediately got the feeling that it lies with my physical appearance; acne. Just felt so sad.
Sure, everything's not confirmed, I may be hired, but I just kept feeling that way. And I can't help it. Another factor I may not be hired is up till this date, I still do not know when is the diving day. It is god-damn infuriating because I've promised Avida Logistics to work till my diving day. And if the diving day cannot be confirmed, how can I work? It is said that the diving trip will be organised on the ODAC gathering itself. But even the ODAC gathering is not even confirmed or informed. I really do not know what to do.
Today, I got my pay. (Thank you Angie!) And went to buy a present for my mom. I really do not know what women like: Handbags, watches, shoes, necklaces etc. Guan Jie accompanied me to look around at Tangs, and I decided to buy a bottle of perfume. It exceeds my budget but I guess it's quality over quantity. It's a Burberry perfume, which cost me a bomb. I will be sharing it with my brother for my mom, and it's practical and useful, because my mom doesn't have the money to buy perfume. So I guess it's the right time. Hope my mom will like it.
By the way, Happy Birthday Mom!
Just hope everything will go smooth..
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Life is nice!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
The Unforgettable Night of 2006.
P.S: The amount of photos taken was a whopping 161 pictures!
For these past few days, it has been POURING cats and dogs, and I certainly hoped that it wouldn't happen on my day. My worst fears were confirmed.
Khai Theng, Liang Zhi, Guan Jie and I went to Pasir Ris Park earlier because we need to carry the things over. (Thank you guys!) And it was still drizzling.
And finally it stopped and people went to Downtown East to play while others were cycling etc.
My family came and helped to set up the fire and pass us the food. (Thanks!)
And it started...

Friends were helping and it was time to cook!


What's with that flame?

Everyone chatted ate and drank happily.
And I had a visitor who wanted to came:

This ginger cat kept coming to our pit, probably wanted some food.
When Wei Chong and the others carried it to some far places, it still managed to come back and look for us.
Then, people were camwhoring with my camera.
Here are some pictures:

Act cute!

What kind of pose is that?

Mrs Yap being the police and we as criminals surrender. Hah!

Brokeback mountain?

Also another one!

Another one.

And my turn to Brokeback! Haha!

He squeezed my fats!

Basketball fanatics.
And there's something intriguing. Experts and scientists are unable to explain the following phenomenon. There's something fishy about this, and we believe we captured a ghost:

Actually it's not a ghost. It was Wei Chong jumping up and when he starts landing, my camera flashed and it showed Wei Chong's figure. Hehehe.. So it's not a ghost!
Mrs Yap and Zi Cai left early. And when I sent them down the pathway, I teared a little, because of the memories I had with them. I told them I will not forget them and we will keep in touch.
And Mrs Yap, sorry for not having enough food for your taste. I'm still feeling guilty about it. Sorry!
And it was back to playing and cooking. At around 11pm+, some of them needed to went back home. I told each and everyone of them my feelings. And to fulfill my last wish.
And that last wish was to sing Emil Chau's song, Friends. Then, they all surrounded me and sang the song. That situation was so unbearable. Memories immediately flashed through my mind, and I got too emotional and broke down. Thank you guys for fulfilling my wish.
*I can't go on typing the situation. I think I'm going to cry soon. I'm getting so emotional!*
So anyway, here are the pictures I've taken:

With Sin Wee!

With Liang Zhi!

With Zi Cai!

With Samantha!

With Khai Theng!

With Mrs Yap!

With Vincent and Wei Chong!

With Clarence!

With Yan Tong and Jia Yi.

With Jerry!

With Wei Chong and Chu Xiang!

With Gabriel!

With Han Wen!

With Jason!

With Jeremy!

With Jun Ping, Guan Jie and Jia Yi!

With Bao Hui!
And..thanks for all the gifts! I love em!

Thanks for Green Tea! They knew I loved to drink Green Tea, so they gave me so many cans of them. I don't wish to drink them, I want to keep them as memories..

This extremely cute cup came in handy for 'O' levels, when I used it to brew tea! Thanks alot! Now that 'O' levels is over, I kept it back into the box!

This fashionable Fila bag was extremely cool! Thanks alot guys!

This cute fluffy dog will be displayed at the side of my bed. Damn lovely! Thanks alot!

Panda's my nickname. And they gave me this one which has different lights glowing! So nice, thanks alot!

I prefer Reebok more than other brands, and I like the shirt and bottle! Very cool! Thanks guys!

I love this extremely big seashell! I love to put my ears and hear the hollow sound! Thanks alot!

This customised ceramic cup was given to me! Very nice! Thanks alot.. Hee..

Extremely beautiful handphone strap with my name. And that cute dolphin! I wanna keep it and don't want to use it. Thanks!
And Samantha, thanks for the brownies!
Once again, thank you everyone!
To be perfectly honest, I don't really wish to make my birthday look "grand", but I feel that the birthday BBQ serves as a last gathering for us. Everyone will lead their own paths, finding work etc. Regardless of which institutions we're going or even retain, we must keep in contact okay? I really hope you all have a great time yesterday. I will treasure during these years of friendship and will not forget any single one of you.
Being in NA, some people despise us. But if we believe in ourselves, just like Mrs Yap believes in us, we will soar to the greatest heights ever. During these 5 years, we had many memories that cannot be forgotten.
To 5N1: I am not in the class, but I am pretty close to many of you. I really treasures the friendship we had throughout these years. I will never forget anyone of you.
To 5N2: Throughout these 3 years, you guys had given me memories. Being a vice-chairman is a challenge, and I'm glad I succeeded. I will miss everyone, especially people close to me. I will never forget anyone of you.
This is just a brief message, and I will blog more specifically in some other time. But I feel that regardless of what, both classes during these 5 years will always remain in a special place in my heart. I really thank God for giving me such wonderful friends and teachers, and if God really wants me to leave this dimension at this time, I have no regrets. I have everything: Good friends, good teachers and a good family.
Once again, I thank those who were invited and came. And I thank you for making this event as one of the most memorable events during my 17 years of existence in Earth.

Thank you. - James
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Graduation High Tea.

With Xi Boon at the lobby.

With Bao Hui and Jia Yi in the cab.

With Ji Cai, Yingying and Kian Kei at the lobby.

With Ji Cai.

With Zi Cai and Wei Chong.

With Gabriel.

With Liang Zhi, Jerry, Justin and Kok Wei.

With Koon Xian.

With Han Wen and Guan Jie.

With Zi Cai.

With Chu Xiang and Jeremy.

With Feng Wei.

With Miss Koh and Miss Chen.

With Clarence.

With Liang Zhi.

With Khai Theng.

With Fan Ying.

With Ivan.

With Jeremy.

With Mrs Yap.

With Joel, Low Ris, Xi Boon and Hui Xian.

With Janna and Adilah.

With Clarence and Victoria.

With Sin Wee.

With Shi Li.

With Shu Fen.

With a choir junior.

With Wei Qi.

With Jia Tian.

With Jason.

With Chee Wei.

With Mr Lim.

With Mrs Edison.

With Kian Kei.
And after Graduation High Tea, we went to Kster, to sing Karaoke.

Everyone was so high.
Sorry, didn't talk much about the high tea because I am too tired. But I shall blog about other sentimental stuff next time.