Thursday, May 31, 2007
The next big drinks.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Put 3 female sharks in a tank and what do you get?
Make no mistake about it, IT IS A BABY SHARK.
The sharks were living in an aquarium at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo which is in the United States.
It sparked off confusion, and there were different theories to why a baby shark was born when there were 3 females in the tank and no males were present. Mind you, they were sexually-immature babies when they were caught.
In the end, DNA was used and they found out that the baby shark which had been born only had half of the mother's genes, but no fathers'.
Researchers believe that the phenomenon is what known as asexual production in cartilaginous fish.
Unfortunately, the baby hammerhead shark died because another fish killed it.For more information, do check it out.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007
What's with the lecturers?
And guess what? Another lecturer told me I need to redo my colour wheel and that it's terrible. I am fine with that, except that she told me in front of more than 60 people in the lecture room. Of course, people look at me.
I don't think she really meant it, but I feel she could handle it better.
Especially to the first incident which I talked about cutting the material, I feel it isn't appropiate to show the whole class my artefact as a bad example. Think about it. You put in the effort and time, and yet it is compared with others.
And it's not as if I am ashamed of my project. I thought there wasn't anything much wrong with it except for some errors here and there. Sure I may be wrong. It may be consider as a bad example to the lecturer, and that he wants to show it to the class as an example, so that people won't follow it.
But I stand firm believing he should asked for my permission before showing it. It is basic respect. Grr, so indignant.
And today, I had one lecturer involved in a conversation with me:
Me: Hmm, that eraser is mine.
Lecturer: Don't step on mines. They are explosive.
Me: ......
In an irrelevant note, I just feel that I shouldn't be so outgoing and fun as I am. People think I am like that, so they may think I am fine with teasing. I can be fun and outgoing at times, but I get emotional and tend to keep to myself. I have both sides: Quiet and emotional. Fun and outgoing. I hope they understand this, and that there is a limit to everyone's tolerance, and I am no exception.
Who do I count on when I am feeling low, indignant, and have no mood and the interest to do/redo my assignments?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I hope you're alright.
To: Someone (You know who you are.)
Hi, I heard you had an accident and had a deep cut on your face. I hope you're alright. I was very worried when I heard about it. But luckily, there weren't any life-threatening problems, so I'm pretty relieved. I hope your wounds and scars will recover as soon as possible, and to be right back on the track.
You're in my prayers, and may God watch over you. Be careful when driving next time okay? Do take care, and meet up next time.
Your student and friend,
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Trying to be positive.
Well, I think I need to relax myself.
I have to mention that I'm very surprised not to get a warning letter from Joon Kiat. Warning letter means that you may fail the module and have to repeat it. Ah, I'm trying to pass his module.
Once a while, I had this feeling that if the Grim Reaper wants to take me away, I would gladly follow him. Not that I would commit suicide or something, but it's just that if he wants me to die, I won't retaliate or something.
But after witnessing 2 accidents in one scene today; one sports car clashed with a taxi, and a bus clashed with another car, I thought life is really fragile.
Cherish is one word that I'm trying to learn. To cherish my loved ones, to cherish my caring friends, and most importantly, cherish everyone around me.
And I should talk about cherishing my course too. Jia Yi was telling me about how she was learning various laws like Ohm's Law etc. I was thankful that I didn't have to take engineering, because it didn't interest me. Business too, as I don't think I'm one who knows how to do business. Life science? You might as well kill me. Information Technology? Hmm maybe..
But design is still the most suitable one for me I guess. I had a thought the other day that I could grow up designing posters to make people aware of the importance of marine conservation, you know, like Al Gore did for global warming.
So I think God helped me alot.
I'm trying to be positive, and to look things in a simple way, and the innocence of a child.
Special notice:
I hope my buddy, Justin Wong Zi Cai, will recover fast. Hope you're alright!
And, a notice to Alan and Angie from Avida Logistics, you 2 have been the most caring ones during my work there. Thanks alot!
Also, please don't type words in my tagboard like: "tag tag!!" Or something. No offense, but I prefer you give comments and not come to my blog just for the sake of tagging. Thanks alot. I'm also thinking of closing the tagboard once my template is ready..
Ok I still have alot of homework undone.
I'm still the emotional James.
I intend to go to Pasir Ris Park or Punggol Beach with my friends or alone, to calm my mind, body and soul this week..
I still hate routine.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
He marked my sketchbook for the first time, and guess what? I got 4 zeroes, and 1 failing grade. Pathetic right? He then talk to me personally and told me he will review my sketchbook again, on the day I went for the remedial. The good news? I didn't get zeroes at all and he changed the marks..
I'm trying my best to learn drawing. I really am. And by the way, sorry to burst your bubble but there will not be any more nude drawing. They tried pushing for nude drawing, but it was rejected.
And let's talk about yesterday. Well, my design was really terrible, though my presentation was well done. My presentation was the longest, as some complained. But it didn't affect me in any sense. I still feel good, and I'm going to prove and push myself to the limits.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Money makes the world go round.
I really need money. Lots and lots of money. I wanna buy so many things, but the top of my list is the MacBook. The price has dipped from the Apple website, and it is extremely troublesome to pay by installments and mind you, the interest is 6% p.a.
Ever since I stopped working, money stopped flowing. There were no input but only output. Sigh..........
How many years of this damned money cycle do I have to continue?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Brother!
My brother and I.
Totally love this picture, because he's wearing the shirt I bought him! Anyway bro, wish you happy and hope your dreams will be realised. Flying colours for your exam grades too!
In an irrelevant note, I just took my blood test yesterday, and hopefully there will be nothing wrong with my kidneys.
Polytechnic life is hectic; Just when you thought the projects are over, immediately came another one. So many projects, different modules and different deadlines. I'm struggling.
I miss Angie and gang. And I also miss Mrs Yap, Mr Chin, the whole of 5N2'07, and 5N1'07 people..
And Liang Zhi, I hope you're doing alright buddy.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
I was in shocked when Liang Zhi told me she was warded. So Liang Zhi asked me to visit her along with some friends.
She looks pretty pale, and the reason why she was warded is because of an eye infection by wearing contact lenses.
Thankfully, the infection didn't spread fast enough, if not she would be half-blind. She can never wear contact lenses, let alone LASIK treatment. She has to wear spectacles for the rest of her life.
By the way, she's 5-10 percent blind on the left eye, if I'm not wrong. And there will be scars.
I really hope that there will be a technology that will enable her to wear contact lenses again.
I'm praying for you, my sister!
Take care..
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Lacking perseverance.
One sentence.
I'm so tired of being here.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Emotional thoughts.
I've got so many goals and ambitions. I want to be an ichthyologist (one who study fishes) in Florida. I want to be a voluntary worker for life to help save turtle eggs, dolphins, whales, penguins and other marine mammals away from the mistakes that people make. Oil spills and pollution especially. I want to be a marine conservation speaker.
But for now, I still cannot motivate myself. People will tell me I have a long way to go. But think about it. Tomorrow will always be a mystery. What if I bite the dust tomorrow?
I sometimes wonder why my dreams are always so special? If anyone ask me what is my purpose in life, I would tell the person straight away:
"I believe I'm born to save marine mammals from the evil clutches of mankind."
But how? Being born in Singapore I believe there's no such thing as a local ichthyologist or a voluntary worker for marine mammals.
I wanna work in Florida, USA. I wanna stay there. I think it's the best place to fulfill my dreams.
But for now, I'm taking a diploma which my interest in it cannot be compared with marine wildlife. Will I have enough money to stay in Florida? If I goes to Florida, will I bear to leave my family and friends?
Sigh.. as for now, I'm one who's not having any motivation, one who is living for the sake of living..
There are many people who cares for me, but why am I not appreciating?
I sometimes wish I have a girlfriend whom I can pour my feelings and thoughts, someone whom I can express my love.
But no, I don't have one. As for now, my blog is the one and only medium cum girlfriend which I express my honest feelings and thoughts..
Back to my own escapade of music...
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Karaoke time!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
I think I'm doing fine somehow.. but my drawing is still terrible.
Here's one of my assignments:

It depicts a picture of Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech massacre killer, with an alphabet A, which means Anger.
The other stuff, use your imagination and visualise what I'm trying to point out.
News of my course being able to do nude drawing spread like wildfire among my friends. They thought I have free pornography. They thought I was lucky. Haha, guess so.. But I'm there not only to admire, but also to draw well..
Terribly tired, will blog next time.