Hello blog. You know, ever since I enrolled into National Service, I've not been faithful in blogging out. Nobody's probably gonna read this, so I guess it's like having a conversation with someone.
Ever since my last post, things have gotten better and I cannot be more thankful than that. One habit that I've developed is going to town during weekends, and spend like nobody's business. Frugality? I've never thought of that.
After all, my leisure time is only during the weekends, and all I thought of was actually to eat and play, eat and play, and eat and play. I asked myself: Am I going to do this for the next 2 years?
No. And hence after much consideration, I've taken one of my lesser-favoured hobbies to a whole new level.
Buying a DSLR for Photography.
That made me real broke, but I decided to build up a personal portfolio, so that it'll be easier for me to find jobs outside after my service. I'll focus into photojournalism on occasional weekends.
Ah, did I mention that I've kinda lost touch with blogging and writing? I'm getting back the feel of blogging once again it seems.
Did I mentioned that I've lost 14kg during the past few months? Life's got better and I've gained back 2 kg, but I'm pretty much determined to maintain this weight of mine. I've been exercising some self-discipline, by running 8 km every few days.
I've been fat my whole life, and I don't want to get to that point again. It's really tough, especially given my personal preferences and choices, but I believe I'll prevail.
On the other hand, this year has been a good year in terms of health wise, and I'm glad my family and relatives are doing just fine. I'm also glad to have met some amazing people who guided me throughout my new journey. Even when I go jogging alone, I would think of the times where we ran together as a group, and how people encouraged and spurred me on. I'm really thankful for the memories, and thank you guys for being there.
Did I mention that I became more independent? In the past, I seemed to go out only if I had a friend's company. But now, I will still go out alone if there's no one to accompany me. A lot of people interpret this as being emo or assume I've got no friends or whatsoever. But weekends are my only leisure time, and sometimes, things just need to be done, even if I'm alone.
I've became more mature and braver, and I guess I've grown stronger, personality-wise.
It's the end of 2010, and I guess it went by in a flash. I've learnt that even if we're leading mundane lives, we can still make a difference in our everyday lives by making someone smile or making a positive impact in someone's life, even for a day, and with that I hope that in 2011, I can apply the same thing to the mundane life which I assume I'll be having.
And with that, I wish you a Happy New Year, with many blessings!
*2010 has been a year of significant birthdays personally: My 21st birthday, and my Mom's 50th birthday!