He is a selfish guy who is hooked into cigarettes to get pleasure from the smoke and could risk his sons' health and life by asking them to go to the carpark in the dead of the night and when they couldn't find it, he still asked them to go to their grandma's house to get it for him. (Okay, it's a long sentence. Slowly get into your brain and digest.)
Let's drop the topic. Like I said in my previous post, I was giving you guys a hint. Yeah, you guess it. YES! I BOUGHT A CAMERA! If you are an avid reader of my blog, you would know that I was saving up money for Canon A400. But my mom decided to fork out $200 for me first and I had to pay off by deducting from my pocket money.
We went to look around in Sim Lim Square. We browsed alot of shops before going to Alan Photo to buy it. (Need to check other places too.) But their prices were a rip-off. One shop sold us Canon A400+ 256 MB SD Card for a whopping $315! Such exorbitant prices, only idiots buy it from them.
We went to Alan Photo in Sim Lim Square. (Not Funan the IT Mall.)
We went inside to take a look and there were many people asking for enquiries. Yeah, we finally talk to a salesperson. I asked for Canon A400 but he said they doesn't have it anymore because Canon had stopped producing it. He introduced me the Canon A410. It is a predecessor of the Canon A400 and was considered new. Needless to say, it's much better than Canon A400. So he quoted us a price. $270 + a free 256 MB SD Card without 5% GST. (The SD card is not Kingston. It's Panasonic!) Oh my! How cheap it is! Even the lower quality of Canon A400, I had to fork around $263 and I had to buy another SD card too. It was a good deal. (Mind you, it is a new one.) And my mom, who was so great at haggling prices, slashed the price to $268+ 5% GST.
Not bad.. So he taught me how to use the camera generally. And other specifications of the camera, I will look it up in the manual. At last, I'm the proud owner of Canon A410!
Here is a picture of my camera, talking:

"Weeeeeeeeee!!! I'm so excited! I was bought by James. Haha! He possess good eyesight in purchasing me! The wonders of me will be unveiled! MUAHAHAHA! *breaks into a hysterical laughter*
Anyway, in order to test the camera, I took some shots and found them to be real cool. Here's a picture that I took:

My camera's kit.
For some unknown reasons, I was unable to put more pictures thanks to Blogger. I hope I can put more tomorrow in this post.
Anyway, I really like this camera. If you were to buy cameras, do go Alan Photo located at Sim Lim Square in the ground floor. I recommend it. The staff is helpful and its prices are fair and reasonable. They doesn't cheat your money. (Well, for my case.)
Best of all, I could take good quality pictures for my blog.
I'm also looking forward for the graduation high tea and other events and outings! Yay!
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