When we were young, teachers will ask what we want to be when we grow up.
(taken from www.libertyparks.org)
Some of us wants to be a teacher. Some of us wants to be a fireman. Others want to be an astronaut, so on and so forth.
But think about this. Have any kid told you that he/she wants to be a retail executive, managing director, marketing executive, or some other occupations?
But when kids grow up to become adults, their mentality changes, and so does their choice of occupation.
Let's be realistic. Who actually does get their choice of occupation? Handful.
Go to any school and ask any of the teachers. Ask any of them why they became a teacher, and chances are that they will tell you to earn a living. Only a few will tell you teaching is their passion.
Do urban people have any life? And when I mean life, I mean enjoy what you doing.
Seriously, when we were young, we were forced to go to school. Notice that I use the word forced, because going to school is compulsory in Singapore.
The period of time when going to school start from young.
During school
And so, we have to follow a routine.
Wakes up at 6am. Prepare.
Assembly at 7.30am
Study and study until 2pm. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
The period when going to work starting from teenage years to adult.
During work (Assuming you work in a CBD area, and in offices.)
Wake up at 6am, dress neatly with perfumes.
Catch the train to CBD area and start work at 9am.
Finish work at 5pm.

Allow me to quote an OCBC commercial that I've seen.
The caption wrote:
"9-5, till I'm 95?"
It means that working 9am to 5pm, till he's 95 years old?
So people, the point in my post is, what meaning is there in life when you have to follow a routine for the rest of your life?
Everyday when I head for work, I always had to squeeze the train with hundreds of working adults where they dress in office suits.
If you're talking about money, saying you want to earn alot of money. Let me tell you something. Tomorrow is a mystery. We will never know whether we may die tomorrow or not.
I've read a book and the old man says that: Some of my friends worked so hard to earn so much money but never got a chance to spent it.
Although contradicting, I don't really have a life currently:
Wakes up at 8am.
Starts work at 9.30am, finish work at 6.30pm.
Reaches home at 7.30pm or maybe close to 8pm, depending on weather and traffic jams.
Finishes dinner at 9pm. Finish bathing at 9.30pm.
Meets up with friends to play Defense of the Ancients. (DotA)
Finishes at 11.30pm which is around 2 games. And sleeps.
And it's the next day.
So I'm following a routine.
I wrote this post because I want people to think, and not to target any profession or others.
It also serves as a reminder to my school friends to choose their course carefully in Polytechnic.
Ask yourself this question. Do you want a course that has good prospects in earning good money, or do you want a course that you are enjoy doing and be happy with it?