Role in class: Secretary
This year was arguably the worst year.
I went to 3N2 this year, because I failed to get A Maths as one of the subjects, and in the end, had to get Design and Technology (D&T), which became a blessing in disguise.
Honestly speaking, I hated 3N2. I was "demoted" from 2N1 to 3N2, and most of my good friends were at 3N1.
3N2 was probably filled with academically less-qualified people, and the thought that made me having to stuck with the class for 3 consecutive years made me bitter.
At this point of life, I made very very good friends in my class: Clarence and Liang Zhi.

Liang Zhi and I.
The 3 of us became very very good friends. However, things happened and the friendship soured. (Don't worry, we're still pretty good friends now.)
And separated...
And as for Choir, it was really a sad time, as it marks the leaving for the Sec 4 seniors as they prepare for 'O' levels.

We missed them so much that some of us cried.
There weren't many much things happening in this year..
YEAR 2005
Role in class: Vice-Chairman
This is the most exciting and fruitful year of em all.
I started off 2005, knewing that this year will determine my future. This year was filled with recalcitrant, obstreperous pupils. Morale in the class was low. Few or some wanted to study.
I had the golden opportunity when I was invited with my Choir peers to join a competition that mimicks the characters in the world's most famous muscial, The Sound of Music.

The Sound Of Music.
If you haven't watched this, you're really missing something. And you won't know what I am talking about.

Maria with the von trapp children.
The North Vista Team consisted of Donovan, Sheena, Petrina, Michelle and me, and Mrs Lim was our teacher-in-charge. We practised the choreography and repeatedly watching the Sound Of Music umpteen times.
We were also required to wear a costume, so we called up one of the costume-makers about what we wanted, and the costumes made were somewhere similar to this:

Of course, the costumes which costs up to a few hundred dollars were fully subsidised.
And we had to wear socks up till our knees.
We competed at Suntec City Wisma Atrium. Representing North Vista Secondary School, we danced and sang Do-Re-Mi.
There were other contestants too, but they were very good. We lost, and the grand prize, which was to go to Germany to see the actual location of where the Sound Of Music was filmed in 1965, was also gone.
And it was a blessing in disguise to me. If we made it to the second round, the date to compete will clash totally with North Vista Chorale's SYF competing date.
In which we will be in a dilemma, because both competitions are happening on the same date!
I have to say that though we lost, it was one of the best experience we've ever had.
The recorded video of us performing is at the General Office I believe. So pupils there may be interested to take a look.
Ah, and it's SYF. This is the second time North Vista Chorale competed in SYF, and we were determined to do even better.
We practised very very hard, and even had a camp.

Kai Bin and I, with the juniors.
Finally, the much-anticipated day came. We sang with gusto, using all the techniques that have been taught, and concentrated fully of the notes, tempo of the piano, and Mr Liew's guidance.
We clinched a high silver. There were 5 international judges, and 2 agreed that we should get gold, while 3 didn't think so. Ah, what a pity.

The beautiful North Vista Chorale.
And for education, I'm proud to say I did well for 'N' levels!
YEAR 2006
Class Position: Vice-Chairman
This year was the quietest but nevertheless a pretty exciting year too.
Let's talk about class. Many people left and enrolled in the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) while others were unschooled.
As a result, there were only 20+ people left in the class. If you think that having fewer people in the class will made everyone do well, if you go into the logic that teachers will pay more attention to us and vice versa, you're SO SO wrong.
The class's atmosphere was dead. Morale was low. Most of the classmates wasn't really interested in studying. People were complacent. Others who barely scraped through 'N' levels thought history would repeat itself in 'O' levels. Many slacked. Only a minority was interested.
And this year marks the 50th birthday of North Vista Secondary School, and being a chorister and part of the Performing Arts, we performed at the University Cultural Centre (UCC) at National University of Singapore (NUS).

Putting on make up for the grand show.

Tenors and Basses.

With the beauties!
And for the grand performance!

Bop to the top, and dance to the beat!

The combined performance with Band.
It was one of the most unforgettable experience in my life.
Then, it was the 'O' levels. Most of the class went into study groups and some studied really hard. Be it studying at Macdonalds till late morning, or at the Sengkang Community Centre, everyone studied seriously.
And now, 'O' levels has finished, and it's holidays for everyone. Some are working to gain experience, while others enrolled in 3 month Junior Colleges (JC).
As for now, I'm waiting for my 'O' level results, and hopefully I will do well...
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