George W Bush (a Republican) from the Republic party.
Environment Issue:
George Bush withdrew U.S support from the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement which 141 nations had signed, in order to reduce greenhouse gases to stop global warming.
This guy thinks that supporting the Kyoto Protocol is too costly, and the White House EVEN QUESTIONED the science of global warming, and cited that millions of jobs will be lost if U.S joins this pact.
"His EPA's indifference to the dangers of carbon emissions was rejected by the Supreme Court."- Joe Klein, TIME magazine.
My comment: Hello? If all the 141 nations are doing it, why can't you? Global warming will cause sea levels to rise, and more low-land cities will be submerged. If one of a U.S city gets submerged, won't it also cause MILLIONS OF DEATH AND DAMAGES?
Facts of global warming are presented black and white, with explainations of how it will happen and why it will happen, AND THE REASON WHY MANKIND IS BEHIND IT. Why is the White House still questioning?
War Issue:
George Bush claimed that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, so there is a need to stop it. And so, U.S invaded Iraq and fought with the Iraqis. After a few years, have they really found weapons of mass destruction? No.
People died needlessly in the Iraq war, with U.S soldiers casualties to a few thousand, and tens of thousands to civilians in Iraq.
Up till today, fighting is still going on.
Some people says that U.S fought the war because of Iraq's oil. But U.S has vehemently denied it.
Comment: Iraq war is a mistake. Deaths are needless and pointless. It's so conspicuous.
Bush is a mistake. The war is a mistake.
Even Joe Klein from TIME magazine feels that Bush's presidency is one of the worst in U.S history.
What do you think?
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