Sunday, October 14, 2007

A premonition that happened.

I'm back from Malaysia, and I came back with mixed emotions.

Before the dive trip, I had told some of my friends that I had this bad feeling for the dive trip. I got so paranoid that I even called Yeancy before I left for Malaysia.

Well, something did happened. Something serious.
Our boat was travelling through the sea after our first dive, and we saw black smoke in the sky.
We went past it, and realise that a ferry boat's engine caught fire.
Until we reach Pulau Tioman, we didn't realise the severity of it, although we saw few boats surrounding the ferry boat.
The boat eventually sank into the open sea, and 4 old people died, and 3 went missing.
The others were rushed to the hospital, and their holidays were cut short and they were sent back.
I just felt really bad, because we couldn't do anything to help them, and I could understand how they feel if I were in their situation. What's more, it was Hari Raya, which is a holiday celebrated by the majorities in Malaysia.
I do hope the people who died rest in peace..

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