Mankind is the most intelligent life-form ever created in Earth, yet we are the most selfish, self-centred species of all animals. Why is it that in the modern era, humans are killing one another?
The bottom line is, DO WE EVER LEARN?
Everyone knows that war and violence needs to be prevented from happening. We've been through World War 1, and World War 2. And we have learned about the disastrous consequences of war.
Did Mankind finally learn our mistakes from the millions of people who died from past wars?
No. Take a look at the Iraq War.
Image taken from:
It has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, and it will continue to rise.
How about the Darfur conflict? Innocent people are being killed, and more than 200,000 people has died since 2003.

Image taken from
Women are being raped as and when, and mass murder is everywhere. Can we save these people and Darfur?
The 2 events that I've listed are still ongoing, and we have no idea when will it end. There are other wars that are still happening in the world, but they're not greatly publicised by the media.
Yes, I might only be an ignorant civilian who knows nothing about the complicated events that happened before the wars. But I wished the world could be a better place.
Poverty still exists, droughts still remain, global warming is happening, deforestation is increasing, and extinction of animals are inevitable.

The Earth is sick, but instead of working hand in hand to tackle Earth's illnesses, here we are, being the intelligent life-form and leaders of the world fails to oversee these problems, and WE RATHER USE OUR POWER TO BE INVOLVED IN CONFLICTS AND WAR, KILLING ONE ANOTHER TO WIN IS OUR PRIORITY.
And I'm 100% sure something will happen in the Year 2012. It's either we die from effects of global warming, or we die from nuclear war which human beings keep developing better technology TO KILL ONE ANOTHER.
Whatever things we do now, WE WILL DIE IN OUR OWN HANDS.
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