Sunday, April 27, 2008

Doomsday Hullabaloo: Take it with a pinch of salt.

A month ago, I posted an entry about the video of Doomsday, which indicates that Doomsday will happen in the Year 2012. That's like 4 years from now right?

It became a talking point, and it's up to your own personal belief. Whatever it is, take it with a pinch of salt.

Over centuries, people have attempted to predict Doomsday, but they have failed. How about Year 2000, the millennium which people predicted it was Doomsday for Mankind? Now it's Year 2008, and we're still alive and kicking.

Personally, I do kinda believe the video somehow, and I think there might be a calamity or some major catastrophe happening in Year 2012, but not enough to be called Doomsday.

Doomsday Clock

Another one which you might be intrigued in is the Doomsday Clock.

Doomsday clock is set up by a group of scientists in 1947, and the clock moves according to certain events from enviromental issues, nuclear wars etc.

Midnight represents "Castastrophic Destruction", which means the closer we are to Midnight, the closer we are to worldwide destruction. And so far, the clock has changed 18 times over 61 years.

The latest change of the clock took place in 17 January 2007.

And guess what? The Doomsday Clock currently stands at five minutes to midnight.

Whatever it is, believe in whatever you want, but don't let this talking point of Doomsday affect you in anyway.

And I'm going to say it again. TAKE IT WITH A PINCH OF SALT.

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