(If possible, do tag in the tagboard wishing the victims to rest in peace.)
Here's a true story which I saw it on a TV show:
There was this mother who was found in the midst of the ruins of the building. She was dead. But when the people look closer, there was this 3-4 month old baby sleeping away in the dead mom's arms.
It appeared that she held on to her baby tightly and use her body as a human shield to protect her baby.
They also found a handphone, and they found this message which she typed before she died:
"My dear baby, if you are still alive, I want you to know that I love you very much."And that, his mother left the world.
That really hit me, especially when the host cried as well.
That aside, I've seen a lot of publicity for the Sichuan Earthquake everywhere I go. Donations drive everywhere, even in the television programmes. MSN nicks I've seen, and blogs that I went to, everything is about Sichuan Earthquake.
It really angers me that people neglected the people in Myanmar. They're even poorer than China, and the death toll is even higher, yet almost everywhere I see are donations for Sichuan Earthquake and a few for Myanmar victims.
The media focuses so much on Sichuan victims, and only a small portion for Myanmar victims. Through this little outlet of mine, I hope to highlight to people about these unfortunate victims as well.
Therefore, I hope that people will also donate money to the Myanmar victims as well. Each and every life lost is equally important, so let's do a part for them alright?
Someone sent me an email of the images taken in the aftermath of Myanmar Cyclone and I decided to post a few of it. I hope that if you look at the pictures, please count your blessings that you're alive and well while reading this.

Ruins of dead bodies and fallen buildings.

Dead body of a woman (probably a tourist) lifted from the beach.

Corpses become stiff, and being lifted using construction vehicles.

The most gory image of the Myanmar Cyclone. This baby must have drowned for a long time, because of the skin etc.
It reminds me of the terrible tsunami-earthquake in 2004 which killed more than 240,000 people.
My message to you:
Did the images hit you hard? You might think that the gory images are disgusting, but I hope that somewhere inside your heart, you will feel for these unfortunate people, and put yourselves in their shoes.
Often than not, we ourselves are preoccupied with projects, work and other assignments that seemed so trivial compared to these people.
These people who lead a simple life, got snuffed out by this cyclone. They have no dreams, they have no goals, and the only thing they ever wished for is to feed their families well to survive in this world.
How about us? We urban people have the ability to pursue our dreams and we hope to satisfy our materialistic needs every now and then, which I'm sure some of us will probably be going to the Great Singapore Sale and shop for clothes. Or even high-class brands such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada?
For once, let us excogitate and reflect on our smooth lives compared to others. Let us be contented for what we have, and treasure our family members well.
What you can do:
1.In respect to these victims, you can pray for them if God exists for you.
2. Mourn silently for a minute.
3. You can also type in your MSN nick like: "RIP to Myanmar victims and Sichuan victims."
4. Or you can type in my tagboard to wish all the victims to rest in peace as well, be in anonymous or not.
5. Donate. The following link below will bring you to where you can donate for Myanmar and Sichuan victims in Singapore.
Singapore Red Cross
Disclaimer: In case some people mistake for my thoughts, Sichuan and Myanmar's catastrophe are both equally disastrous, and each and every death should be treated with equal respect. The main purpose of this post is to highlight and publicise the Myanmar Cyclone that it rightfully deserved.
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