Saturday, June 28, 2008

We're getting close to finding Earth's twin.

I've always believed in extra-terrestrial life. I mean, the universe is ever so big and expanding, surely it is arrogant to believe that we're the only lifeform in this whole universe right?

Absolutely, and now we're a big step closer to finding alien-life.

Planet hunters say it is a matter of time before we find a similar-like Earth in planets beyond the galaxy.

According to, astronomers announced that they had discovered three super-Earth in a single star last week.

Above is an artist's impression of Super-Earth planets. (Picture courtesy of

That is absolute good news because if there are similar Earth-planets, it means that it has the potential to support and sustain life isn't it?

"I suspect there are Earth-like planets with lakes and rivers and waterfalls and deep glacial gorges and that are spectacularly beautiful," one of the team members Marcy said.

Because water is an essential substance for the survival of all life-forms, any planets with water might have life forming underneath, but we'll still not sure.

Regardless, let's just hope that we can find our Earth's twin as soon as possible, and it could be a big breakthrough!

For more information, please check out:

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