Monday, November 10, 2008

My birthday celebrations..

Ahhh.. this year's celebrations are pretty much simple yet meaningful. I'm really thankful for all the birthday wishes and greetings, and also the dedications.

Also, a big thank-you for all the presents that each and everyone of you guys have given! I appreciates it!

This is also the first time I celebrated my birthday with my polytechnic friends and it was fun. It was rather an impromptu thing, because we went to Vivocity to catch REC after the school excursion at Southern Ridges.

And thanks a lot to Shirley, Fazal and Becky!

Wishing for my birthday..

They were rather amazed that my shoes can glow. It can reflect light only when there's flash!

Fazal, Shirley and myself..

I'm having my cake!

Fazal, Becky and myself!

With Becky!

Really meaningful time spent with them.. Thanks guys!

Birthday celebrations at Xin Wang HK Cafe.

Force-fed birthday cake!

WeiChong, Vincent and myself.

Ivan and I.


Feng Wei, Wei Chong, Vincent, Jun Ping and Koon Xian..

Yingying and Jia Yi..

What is Koon Xiang doing?!

Such a simple dinner with friends around me, and we went slacking after that. I just feel fortunate and thankful for all the friends that I have.

Thanks a lot everyone!

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