We reached there at around 2pm and started dining.

Oh my, I'm drooling!

Want to have a sip?
Anyway, we were eating and having fun when I miraculously snapped a shot of Justin. Guess what was he doing?

Justin's narcisstic behaviour. He think he's a very handsome lad.
Anyway, we ate quite alot and here are some of the pictures we took:

After eating at Cineleisure, we went to play basketball at the court behind Nan Chiau High School. It was a nice game, but I was exasperated because there were people playing soccer at the basketball court. They used the pillars that are supporting the basketball ring post as a goal post. They should have find other place to play soccer. A basketball court is MEANT for basketball. Not some sort of other sports.
Also, I recieved my report book today. Here it is:

My results. The Co-Curricular Activities is B3 by the way.
(Please ignore the strand of hair.)

Another page of the results.
P.S: I'm aiming to lose weight before the Graduation High Tea and is doing so now. I swear.
And I'm extremely delighted! Finally, my blog had reached 3000 viewers, nothing compared to Xiaxue. But it's a good result. My dear readers, please continue to support my blog okay? Haha!
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