I'm feeling extremely sad and disappointed. I seriously can't believe that some people of the class who failed worse than me can even talk and joke at this point of time. I'm amazed. While I had no mood to carry on with the other lessons, people were laughing, playing and having fun while the lessons were on. And I seemed to be the ONLY ONE having negative emotions.
Friday, September 29, 2006
I'm feeling extremely sad and disappointed. I seriously can't believe that some people of the class who failed worse than me can even talk and joke at this point of time. I'm amazed. While I had no mood to carry on with the other lessons, people were laughing, playing and having fun while the lessons were on. And I seemed to be the ONLY ONE having negative emotions.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A miracle that is vital.
I believe I could get a distinction for Chinese, though I got B3 for prelims.
I'm feeling very disappointed and demoralised currently. I already failed Geog MCQ and Physics practical. And to add fuel to the fire, our form teacher Miss Chen, said that our class had only 1 person who passed Maths and 1 who got D7. The other 22 of our class got E8 and F9.
And I'm truly hoping for a miracle, and that my prayers are answered. I may get my Maths results on Friday.
And a BIG THANK-YOU to my choir juniors giving me encouragement. Really needed that to boost my mood.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Interesting Toy-Catching Machine.
Cute and sometimes expensive plushies for you to catch.
Now let me show you this SUPER INTERESTING MACHINE.
Let me introduce you, THE LOBSTER GAME!
Yes, instead of plushies, they're catching LIVE lobsters for $2 per try! If you manage to catch them, it will be your cheap dinner!
And they're happening in USA, Japan etc. I'm not very sure about Singapore. But if you do know of one, do let me know!
Here's some pictures from the amazing machine!
"Yay, another cheap seafood dinner! I'm getting good at this!"
!@#$@$%@ *Struggles to break free*
Seriously, if I were a boss of a restaurant in Singapore, I would definitely import these machines. They're fun, interesting and is a good source of income. It will make both adults and kids be amazed by these machines.
I do hope Singapore has one of these machines!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hopefully it's not a problem.
Ha, over months and months of doing my D&T folio, it sure pays off! Thanks for the compliments guys!
Ah, and I took Physics structured paper, Elective History and Geography MCQ paper.
All went smoothly, but may not score well.
Geography MCQ paper was the unluckiest. I had common flu and was weakened. But still I tried my best to do them all.
Physics Paper and Elective History Paper, well, hopefully it should not be a problem passing them.
2 more papers to go.
I can't wait for Prelims to end and get back my results!
Young and gullible.
You see, I used to watch Popeye cartoons when VCD wasn't available at that time, and it was those tapes..
Just in case you don't know who Popeye was, here's a picture of him:

"I'm Popeye the sailor man!"
If you watched Popeye cartoons, you will know that during times of crisis, he would have this WONDERFUL SPINACH, which he will become SUPER STRONG!

Yeah, yeah eat your veggies! Especially Spinach and you will get strong!
And because I was young and naive at that time, I thought I could be as strong as Popeye. And mind you, I was damningly thin at that point of time. Because of my poor knowledge of vegetables, I just had to watch the cartoon to find out what spinach was.
And being gullible, I pestered my mom to buy spinach; which I don't know how to spell at that time, so I pointed out that I wanted what I want. And GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT?!
I completely mistook herbal jelly for Popeye's spinach. And because Popeye swallows spinach as if it was disgusting to eat, I was extremely convinced that herbal jelly was spinach because herbal jelly is SO BITTER!
(Please don't ask me why I mistook some jelly for some sort of vegetables.)
After eating it with pride, I went around SHOWING PEOPLE HOW BIG MY MUSCLES WERE, when they were just bones, claiming I was fit like Popeye.
Which was something like this:

So I went around the neighbourhood, disgracing myself and act like Popeye, when it was obvious I was the pseudo one.
Come to think about it, those were fun childhood memories which I cannot erase. I'm sure you have your fair share too.
As I'm blogging, I'm feeling my arm muscles. And no, they doesn't felt like they were bones like last time. They felt abit stiff, but somehow flabby.
Just when I wonder what was that, something jolt me.
Oh, my fats.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Regret; the wasteful emotion.
Regret that I didn't study at all during PSLE.
Regret that I didn't study well Maths during Secondary 1, to build the foundation.
I felt regret lead to many consequences. Like I went to Normal Academic which had to take 5 years with an aggregrate of 186. During this year's Teacher's Day, I was greeted by my Choir peers. Although I talked and chatted with them, deep inside me, I felt embarassed and ashamed.
Regret that I didn't study well during the Secondary 1-3.
A saviour; Mrs Yap came into my life during Secondary 2. She gave me after-school tuitions and encouraged me. However, the teachings always came to futile when I always DID BADLY for my exams. It was heartening to see that she didn't gave up on me. Even till now.
I suddenly had a wake-up call during Secondary 4, where I took on 'N' levels. This time, I worked damningly hard for all my subjects. I finally realised the importance of studies. It paid off during 'N' levels.
Before the 'N' levels, my Choir seniors (Sec 5 Serene, Pauline and Iza), helped me in the work, together with some friends such as Zi Cai and Long wen. Mrs Yap helped too.
And before the 'N' levels, I was feeling low, because of low motivation. I could still remember Mrs Corrinne Teo saying that the grade that a person that is equivalent to that person's hard work. I greatly beg to differ. I put in so much hard work during my exams and tests in Sec 4, only to get a ludicrously low 20/100. While my peers got Grade As and Bs without studying in a breeze.
During the 'N' level results, I took my results slip and glance through.
Maths. It was a B4. I was way over the moon.
I had a sense of self-satisfaction. From a PSLE score of D for Maths and 'N' level prelims with a score of 20/100, my score tripled during the 'N' levels.
And now, I'm taking a big milestone towards 'O' levels, which I think that genius Joel Deng is probably saying "It's so easy!" He said he missed 'O' levels. Eww.
Since Mdm Yow took over the baton for 5N2 Maths, I had to listen attentively though it was hard to adjust to her teachings. And of course 5N2, being the worst class (academically) of the 'O' level NVSS cohort, well, failed Maths for Mid-Year exams, which included me.
I'm more than 100% sure that people from the Express looks down on us, and even teachers and peers from 5N1. I wouldn't blame them. Being the vice-chairman of 5N2, I have to admit that there's a high probability that more than 50% of the class will not make it to at least polytechnic. But be rest assured that among the underdogs in the class, some of us will be will triumph and finish the last lap of the race successfully, if not a handful.
As for myself, I want to be one of the handful. I wouldn't want to retain.
Still, talk is cheap. I will still have to study hard and work for it.
And as for you reading this, regardless of how you are feeling now, I hope you give your utmost wishes and blessings, no matter if I manage to finish the last lap of the race by commenting on the comments or the Tagboard. Thank you.
And I can rest assured you that I will not regret one bit if I didn't managed to, because I've done my best. And I can answer that to my soul, to my heart and to people who gave me assistance, teachings and encouragement during the most important exam in my teenage life.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Reality in check.
Took my Pure Geography Paper 2 yesterday and Maths Paper 2 yesterday. Both, with insufficient time to finish them.
As for Geography, I'll be thankful if I can get at least a B grade.
Today's Maths Paper 2 kept me rushing questions, with ink flowing to the paper at all different directions. And I'd tell you the facts.
I failed to do the whole question of vectors, which had like 9 marks.
Plus other wrong answers and a high possibility to wrong accuracy.
I knew I had lost around 10+ marks just like that.
Furthermore, with the shaky foundation of trigonometry; toa cah soh thing, it further decreases my chance to pass the paper.
In this post, I wouldn't say I will pass or fail, though I told my friends my thoughts.
Regardless of whatsoever, just wanna thank Baohui, Mrs Yap, Zi Cai for their encouragement and teachings, and not forgetting Mdm Yao for teaching me this year.
Another thing. Don't just read things blindly in this post and give assumptions. You'll never know what will happen, be it negative or positive. :)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Did you know about the truth of Pluto?

"Who knows it's because I was named Pluto that I became so famous! Geez!"
I believe you readers including me learnt that the solar system consists of The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

(taken from www.seeingsciencecclrc.ac.uk)
Now if you hadn't been reading news lately, you will be flabbergasted, shocked or whatever emotions that I'm going to tell you that,
The story:
Ever since Pluto got discovered, people initially thought it was as big as Earth, but as time goes on, people realised that it was MUCH MORE SMALLER than our Earth's moon. Yet it was still called a planet.
Now it does makes you wonder that, IF the definition of planet is based on its size, and Pluto is much more smaller than Earth's moon, is it correct to say that our Moon is also a planet?
(There are alot more other details about this whole Pluto thing such as the Kuiper Belt beyond Pluto etc, but I'm more general here. If you want to know more, do check out the internet yourself.)
There you go. Pluto's not a planet now.
And there you wonder, if Pluto's not a planet, what is it?!Well, it's called a dwarf planet!!!
This declaration was decided during August 2006.
So as for now, we have 8 official planets and 3 dwarf planets in our solar system.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I did Maths for the whole day with Zi Cai and I just came back from it, but I realised I doesn't know how to do most of the questions; Vectors, Mensuration, Shear and Stretch for Paper 2!!!
I'm easily demoralised.... What can I do? Paper 2 questions such as topics like Mensuration; not only they have around 10 marks or more, they're also linked! Like if you have careless mistakes for Part (a), chances are the questions that goes with it will be wrong!
AHHHHHHHHHH! I'm going crazy! Plus Pure Geography is on Monday!
Dude, someone send me to Institute of Mental Health, NOW!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Boring post again.
Took the Maths Paper 1 and Social Studies paper. Just wanna say for Maths Paper1, I believed I could have done better, whatever is the outcome of the results. Social Studies? I think I can do well.
Had an extremely good nap just now. And now I'm refreshed!
Shall go study in a while's time. Meanwhile, I shall blog more interesting posts during the weekend!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I suddenly wondered why am I blogging instead of studying. It must be my brain, asking me to blog. Too stressful, probably sent wrong messages across my body. Geez.
I'm doing the best I can for my subjects and blogging my thoughts for a few minutes won't affect it right?
Ok, I'm going to stop here. For those who's bored and doesn't intend to study for prelims or don't have prelims, here's a disgusting photo:

Go on, continue vomiting in the toilet bowl, while Imma go study now. Hey readers, wish me luck okay? :D
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
English---- A2 and above
Mother Tongue---- A2 and above
Mathematics---- C5 and above
Science----C5 and above
Geography----B3 and above
Combined Humanities----B3 and above
Design and Technology----B3 and above
L1R4--- 15 L1R5--- 20
Hopefully these are the grades I can get for 'O' levels AT LEAST. You may say I'm naive to target both my languages at least a distinction. But I got B3 for Mother Tongue, and its good to aim high. Moreover, I hope to maintain both the grades I got for 'N' levels in the Languages. Others? They're realistic and high aims for me. I hope to achieve them.
And to those people who set targets for themselves, I wish you all the best in achieving them, and let's go to our desired institutions and pre-universities.
As for the minority lot who thinks my grades are unattainable, ask yourself these questions:
Do you even have an aim?
Do you even challenge yourself?
Do you think you're motivated to do well?
And lastly, if you think my grades are unattainable, what makes you so sure that you will attain yours?
And I shall probably say....
Look who's talking?!
Peace, don.
Monday, September 11, 2006
A premonition.
If this is true...
2002- Hard
2006- ?? Hard la!!!
What to do now.. If the paper is hard, there are some pros and cons. But I rather it be easy, because if I don't know how to do the questions, I will feel demoralised as I proceed doing these questions.
I want to pass my Maths and 'O' levels and at least get into a polytechnic!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The Gala Dinner.
And there are 3 words to describe it: UNLUCKY, UNIQUE, BORING.
I wore my shirt and trousers and got a call from Clarence saying he wants to go to my house. So that we can help each other see both of our attires.
And I forgot to take picture with him in my house..

So we took it in the bus!
We finally reached, and were greeted with many people. Soon, everyone settled down.

VIPs and others catching up with the good ol' times.

Pretty well-decorated.
(Would like to thank Liang Zhi for giving up his seat for me, with his thoughtfulness and being so magnaminous.)
Also UNIQUE right?
Everyone arrived and soon it was the VIP, Rear Admiral Teo Chee Hean and others giving a speech. (Pardon me for the blur photos; my camera is lousy.)

Speeches were said. And here comes the food!!!

First dish: The Cold Dish. (Tastes quite good.)

Sharks Fin Soup. (Not bad, but there isn't any vinegar and pepper.)
If you think that $30 for us students was value for money just by looking at the 2 pictures which seem promising, I can say that it is BARELY. How bout teachers who paid $50? I can say its not worth it. But I tell you at the later part.
And the word: UNLUCKY will be used here.
IT RAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People will hurrying and running from a short torrential downpour, which made some people unable to savour the sharks fin soup. Everything was wet. The organising committee had a plan. That plan was to put some of us in the hall, and some of us in the Lecture Room.
So we sat in our tables in Lecture Room.
What happened next was DISGUSTING.
The waitress were giving us glass cups, and I thought they were new ones. I had a shock.

Oh my god! Look closely, and you'll see red patches of oil which was probably from some sort of chilli or something.
Yucks! And when the waitress came with a plastic jar of beverage, I told her to replace new ones for us. She look at me INNOCUOUSLY and said they just put all the glass cups into one basin and wash them. And tried to proceed pouring. I stopped her.
We stood there for a few awkward seconds before she went to other tables to serve. And guess what, we washed our own cups in the school toilet.
I can't believe their sense of hygiene.
And the food resumed.
And this is why I tell you why it barely is value for money. The fish was small. And the prawns; a large one each. 2 scoops of pineapple rice. 1 piece of chicken cutlet. 1 bowl of desert. And a few other stuff. The sharks fin soup earlier may cover up most of the costs. That's why I say it is barely value for money, but I thank the committee for the great effort, and consideration for subsidising for us.
So in the lecture room, people were having BORED faces, even when teachers were singing. But in our group, people were so high, and I just can't stop laughing.

Mr Joseph Ng singing.
Mr David Chin sang too, and also Mr William Goh..

And that was the final part of the Gala Dinner. Not very interesting..
And of course, what's an event with photos right?

With Shafeeq!

With Clarence!

With Jerry!

With Ivan!

With Shafeeq, Ji Cai and Kian Kei!

With Yingying!

With Jasmine!

With Maliha, Julianna and Haidah!

Group of friends!!!

With Miss Lee and Yingying.

With Feng Wei!

Group of friends with Mr Malvin Lim!

With Mrs Yap! She's the best teacher to me!

With Chee Wei!

With my senior, Cynthia. She's getting prettier by the day!

With Liang Zhi!

With my choir juniors, senior and instructor! One happy family!

With Chu Xiang and Guan Jie!

A group of fun and nice friends!!!
And to have this picture, we had many shots because other people were disturbing.

A group of cool friends!
Miraculously, when they were disturbing us, my camera managed to take one of the picture that was being disturbed by people. Look at this:

Book being thrown by someone and captured.
Hah, and thats all for now. Finally finished blogging and its around 1.30 am now. No matter what, Gala Dinner is still an unforgettable night.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
It's settled, literally.
Just wanna thank Mrs Edison for all her help.
Hope tomorrow's Gala Dinner will be going smoothly. Will blog all about it.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Angry, irate and irritated.
And I'm going to blog about the Gala Dinner.
The Gala Dinner is going to be at 8 Sept this friday. And for the past few weeks, my class have been encouraged to go. I raised up my hands to indicate that I'm going. And I paid the discounted price of $30. My friends and I had said that I'll be joining them, and I thought everything was smooth and even went to buy a new shirt.
And 2 days ago, I got a shock, with Jerry saying that my name was not in the list, which means that I'm not sitting with 5N2 group. The reason? According to Maliha (as far as I can remember and PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong), she said that Miss Chen had passed her the list and gave the names during class when I was sleeping. And she READILY ASSUMED that I was going to join other special tables such as tables for Choir or other tables. And STRIPPED MY NAME.
I was and AM feeling irritated, angry, surprised and agitated.
DO I have a right to be having all those emotions mentioned above? As far as I'm concerned, YES, AND RIGHTFULLY YES.
I prove my point; with rhetorical questions first.
1. Is it my fault that I'm being wrongfully stripped of the name?
2. Why is it that Miss Chen had stripped my name WITHOUT NOTIFYING or waking me up in class as claimed?
And now the MAIN PROBLEM
I'm being stuck with no groups AT ALL. Clarence is going with 5n1, together with Ivan. Now I'm alone. And there's a high possibility that 5N1 may be full. So what I'm supposed to do? Go to other classes? It is damningly ironic that they encourage people to go, yet came up with this kind of stupid mistake.
And now, I'm supposed to clear the mess I'm in?
The Solution.
I managed to contact Mrs Edison and she said that she will help me and give me an answer tomorrow which is Thursday evening. According to her, she said that the reason why there is only a maximum of 10 people in 1 table and cannot add in 1 more (which I think is the best solution) is because the target is 70 tables and the number now is 72. So they have worked it out with 10 people on each table. I just have to wait for her reply. Since it is Thursday evening that she's giving me one, and Friday is already the event, I pray that it is not negative response.
I'm feeling extremely angry and agitated as I write this. This is not my fault at all. Of all people, why me?
I pray that everything will be nicely settled.
Disclaimer: This post is written in anger but does not attack anyone personally. I believe that all written is logical. Put yourself in my shoes and I seek your understanding. No hard feelings.