And there are 3 words to describe it: UNLUCKY, UNIQUE, BORING.
I wore my shirt and trousers and got a call from Clarence saying he wants to go to my house. So that we can help each other see both of our attires.
And I forgot to take picture with him in my house..

So we took it in the bus!
We finally reached, and were greeted with many people. Soon, everyone settled down.

VIPs and others catching up with the good ol' times.

Pretty well-decorated.
(Would like to thank Liang Zhi for giving up his seat for me, with his thoughtfulness and being so magnaminous.)
Also UNIQUE right?
Everyone arrived and soon it was the VIP, Rear Admiral Teo Chee Hean and others giving a speech. (Pardon me for the blur photos; my camera is lousy.)

Speeches were said. And here comes the food!!!

First dish: The Cold Dish. (Tastes quite good.)

Sharks Fin Soup. (Not bad, but there isn't any vinegar and pepper.)
If you think that $30 for us students was value for money just by looking at the 2 pictures which seem promising, I can say that it is BARELY. How bout teachers who paid $50? I can say its not worth it. But I tell you at the later part.
And the word: UNLUCKY will be used here.
IT RAINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People will hurrying and running from a short torrential downpour, which made some people unable to savour the sharks fin soup. Everything was wet. The organising committee had a plan. That plan was to put some of us in the hall, and some of us in the Lecture Room.
So we sat in our tables in Lecture Room.
What happened next was DISGUSTING.
The waitress were giving us glass cups, and I thought they were new ones. I had a shock.

Oh my god! Look closely, and you'll see red patches of oil which was probably from some sort of chilli or something.
Yucks! And when the waitress came with a plastic jar of beverage, I told her to replace new ones for us. She look at me INNOCUOUSLY and said they just put all the glass cups into one basin and wash them. And tried to proceed pouring. I stopped her.
We stood there for a few awkward seconds before she went to other tables to serve. And guess what, we washed our own cups in the school toilet.
I can't believe their sense of hygiene.
And the food resumed.
And this is why I tell you why it barely is value for money. The fish was small. And the prawns; a large one each. 2 scoops of pineapple rice. 1 piece of chicken cutlet. 1 bowl of desert. And a few other stuff. The sharks fin soup earlier may cover up most of the costs. That's why I say it is barely value for money, but I thank the committee for the great effort, and consideration for subsidising for us.
So in the lecture room, people were having BORED faces, even when teachers were singing. But in our group, people were so high, and I just can't stop laughing.

Mr Joseph Ng singing.
Mr David Chin sang too, and also Mr William Goh..

And that was the final part of the Gala Dinner. Not very interesting..
And of course, what's an event with photos right?

With Shafeeq!

With Clarence!

With Jerry!

With Ivan!

With Shafeeq, Ji Cai and Kian Kei!

With Yingying!

With Jasmine!

With Maliha, Julianna and Haidah!

Group of friends!!!

With Miss Lee and Yingying.

With Feng Wei!

Group of friends with Mr Malvin Lim!

With Mrs Yap! She's the best teacher to me!

With Chee Wei!

With my senior, Cynthia. She's getting prettier by the day!

With Liang Zhi!

With my choir juniors, senior and instructor! One happy family!

With Chu Xiang and Guan Jie!

A group of fun and nice friends!!!
And to have this picture, we had many shots because other people were disturbing.

A group of cool friends!
Miraculously, when they were disturbing us, my camera managed to take one of the picture that was being disturbed by people. Look at this:

Book being thrown by someone and captured.
Hah, and thats all for now. Finally finished blogging and its around 1.30 am now. No matter what, Gala Dinner is still an unforgettable night.
Hey! Nice post!! ;DDD Sad that the Gala Dinner ends off this way. Take care and hope you are done with your blog templete soon.
lol.. ka meh do ur blog template la.. slowpoke.. =/ hahaha
hey!! i love ur post on the Gala Night! its extremely awesome but sadly, it rains half-way! ahakz. good luck for tomolo paper!
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