Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Okay, its time to make targets and here they are for Prelims and 'O' levels.

English---- A2 and above
Mother Tongue---- A2 and above
Mathematics---- C5 and above
Science----C5 and above
Geography----B3 and above
Combined Humanities----B3 and above
Design and Technology----B3 and above

L1R4--- 15 L1R5--- 20

Hopefully these are the grades I can get for 'O' levels AT LEAST. You may say I'm naive to target both my languages at least a distinction. But I got B3 for Mother Tongue, and its good to aim high. Moreover, I hope to maintain both the grades I got for 'N' levels in the Languages. Others? They're realistic and high aims for me. I hope to achieve them.

And to those people who set targets for themselves, I wish you all the best in achieving them, and let's go to our desired institutions and pre-universities.

As for the minority lot who thinks my grades are unattainable, ask yourself these questions:

Do you even have an aim?
Do you even challenge yourself?
Do you think you're motivated to do well?

And lastly, if you think my grades are unattainable, what makes you so sure that you will attain yours?

And I shall probably say....

Look who's talking?!

Peace, don.

1 comment:

Danx|a0gui said...

wei.. u xi bei guai lan leh.. lols..