During secondary school, I made I knew who I feel comfortable with. These are the friends that accompanied me throughout my secondary school life.
I sometimes even thought that some of them has the same thinking as me, that smoking is bad etc.
So when I learned that a few of my close friends actually do smoke, there were only 1 word which would explain my feelings. Shocked.No, I didn't feel anything negativity towards them.
I asked them why, and they gave reasons like being under alot of stress, and doing it out of curiosity.

My father is a heavy smoker. And I sometimes wonder why I dislike my peers to smoke, while I find it okay for my father to smoke. And this is because I find that my peers will grow up to become adults, just like my father is, and there seems to be no wrong to smoke when you're an adult. So what's wrong with it?
Still, I have decided to change my way of thinking towards teenage smoking. Even if some of my friends smoke, it doesn't mean they are deliquents. Because they are my close friends, and I know that they are not like that, and I would like to think that they're just my friends who smoke.
I can also swear to God that I will never shun them.
Do I smoke? No I don't, and I don't intend to. However, I doesn't want to rule it out because of the future.
I don't have the right to stop my friends from smoking. And the best I can do is hope that they will quit it totally, and not be to addicted, and that it will not fall on deaf ears.
I knew very well that this post will be read by some close friends. And I have tried my best not to offend anyone here. And I sincerely seek everyones' understanding.
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