I've changed. Or that's what my mind tells my soul. As I grow, especially to the age of 18, I start to be more outspoken, bold and daring.

I used to not talk to my dad, afraid of him that he would scold or shout at me. But now, I find that I could express my opinion and oppose his views, and not afraid of him shouting at me or something, and even to the extent that I dare to quarrel with him.
I used to ask my mum for permission to wherever I go to. But now, I just inform her where I'm going to, and no longer ask her for permission.
I used to be quieter, an introvert and doesn't like to talk. As secondary school days pass, and now polytechnic life, I totally changed to the opposite. I seem to be the fun guy in the class, joking with everyone. Do I like that? I really don't think so.
Why are all these things happening? Is it natural? I really don't have an answer. But I find one thing positive among them all.
That thing is that at least I realise I've changed. And that I didn't change to become a gangster, a hooligan and even being one of the dregs in the society. For this, I console myself.
Deep inside me, I want to be involved in musicals, be a gentleman and be a refined person. And I believe I can be one.
One of my classmates called me a mummy's boy. I felt really happy about it, because it constantly reminds me of my original personality. And I dare say I'm proud of it.
No matter how much I've changed, my original personality will forever stay in me. I still dislike clubbing and those kind of areas. They still make me feel uncomfortable.
I hope I still stay the same.
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