Monday, March 17, 2008

Issues that I need to address.

Do I have a big forehead that writes: "Bully me?" I'm really tired of people trying to bully me thinking that I'm not offended easily, or I don't put it to heart.

As time passes, I realise my defensive instincts got better, and I'm no longer the helpless guy whom suffered those incessant verbal abuses by some people before.

The main thing that people like to associate with me: Jia Yi

I have to repeat umpteen times, thousands, or even COUNTLESS times that I don't like and I never love her.

I WILL and NEVER FALL FOR HER. I know my instincts and feelings, and no one knows it better than I do. So quit attempting to form a boy-girl relationship with me and her. I'm really SICK AND TIRED OF THIS RUMOUR BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AND I CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE.



I'm fat. Yes people, I'm fat, obese, overweight, horizontally-challenged, and whatsoever. I like to create jokes that suggests that I'm slim, fit or whatsoever; self-denial. And the reason why I do that is because I want to make myself feel better. Is that wrong?

I don't need any reminder that I need to lose weight, or that I need to exercise. Thanks for the attention and concern, but I AM WORKING ON IT.

So if any friends read this, AND IF YOU TREAT ME AS A FRIEND AND NOT SOMEONE YOU CREATE JOKES OUT OF MY SORROW, I sincerely hope you can stop all these soon, if not immediately.

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