It is a chinese horror movie (NC16) directed by local director Kelvin Tong, and it boasts regional big names such as Ekin Cheng and Shawn Yue. To add a bit of flavour to the movie, sizzling hot babe Fiona Xie was one of the co-stars as well.

Picture taken from
All the main stars acted very well, and the plot was rather interesting initially. But the way how ghosts possess people is rather unconvincing, or should I say stupid; You can get possessed if you are in physical contact with the possessed person. Once you get possessed by the ghost and the ghost moves on, you are just an empty shell; souless and dazed.
The only way to stop it? Kill the possessed person. (I can't believe this movie horror didn't include exorcism.)
Still, I got to give credit for some of brilliant scenes such as the swimming pool, mass suicide and the carpark scene.

Picture taken from
The screeching sounds of this drowned girl was so piercing and surreal, that it was as though the ghost of the drowned girl IS REALLY making screeching sounds.
There will be an unexpected twist in the end, which I thought the ending was rather normal.
Nonetheless, this movie will earn a rating of 7/10. Good acting, unusual plot, unexpected ending with a good scare.
(Watch it only if you're looking for a fusion movie of action and horror genre.)
Step Up 2
The last time I watched a movie similar to this was Stomp The Yard. I didn't watch the intial movie Step Up, but I heard from my friends that there are no link between the sequels.

Such a nice movie poster.
The plot itself is rather boring and predictable; Obstacles, blossoming love and an expected ending. Underdogs truimph over 5-time champions. I have to say at certain parts of the movie, I really yawned and I could have taken a nap if not for the thumping music every now and then.
Some of the moves of street dancing were eye-opening, thrilling and exciting, so much so that I could feel my legs attempting to dance with them without my instructions. Awesome.
However, not all are actually exciting, only a few. The main draw for this movie is the main lead actress, Brian Evigan. She's such a talented lady.
The ending was the best one to be remembered and can possibly salvage the movie, because the atmosphere was high, and you can tell they had great chemistry and competitive spirit. I'm really starting to respect street dancing.
Such great moves.
I shall give this movie a rating of 6.5/10. The great music and certain dance scenes managed to salvage the movie for me, because the plot was too weak. However, your main purpose is to see the dance moves and have a passion for street dancing, I believe you will enjoy this movie.
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