"How are you? My name is James and my age is 19. I am from Singapore."
This is how I started my trip in Cambodia. My introduction to them. (Taught by some of my Cambodian mates.)
I am from Singapore. A place where sky high buildings existed, a city filled with fortunate people. A city whereby hygiene and cleaniness are high, and everything looks fresh.
I went to Siem Reap, Cambodia. Cambodia, a country whereby 90% of the 16 million people live less than US$2.50 a day. Corruption is high, and the minds of the people are still fresh with the Khmer Rouge. A country where only mainly attap houses and kampung houses existed. The disparity between the rich and the poor is so wide, and Cambodia is still one of the poorest countries in the world, although improving.
I came to Cambodia with an open mind, and was presented with a reality from third-world country.
Traffic lights are rare, and most roads are made up of sand. Blackouts have been experienced.
Beggars can be seen frequently, children as young as 5 years old were touting, and 10 year-old kids are seen picking rubbish and pushing those rubbish trolleys.
Even images of the plight of Cambodians were never much of an impact to me before I went to Cambodia, but the sight and the experience left such a big impact on me.
Here I am typing, still trying to adjust myself to Singapore's standard of living. I'm too used to Cambodia's way of living although it's only 2 weeks. If I have the money and time, I'll go back there again, definitely.
For the many of the continued posts will be all about my trip to Cambodia, so do follow up if you're interested.
I embarked on a journey to Cambodia, and I've never looked back.
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