Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just flown back from Cambodia..

I've finally reached home, and I'm experiencing a shock and disappointment.

After flying down to Changi Airport and looking at the scenery while in a taxi, I feel incredibly uneasy and felt like a fish out of water. I'm not used to the cleaniness, vibrant, opulence and the tall buildings in Singapore.

Cambodia's way of life is so different from here, that I'm rather used to Cambodia's standard of living.

I'm still shocked despite reaching home and feeling very uneasy.

Disappointment, well is because my Grade Point Average (GPA) of my semester is not very ideal for me. I improved only a little, and I'm very upset and disappointed right now.

Weeks of hard work didn't pay off much, and I'm sick and tired of sticking to this belief that hard work pays off.

My 'O' level Maths was a good reminder, and thanks for the second reminder.

I'm starting to hate design. I seriously do not know what is wrong with my work. My execution isn't as good as my research, that's why I always do more research to compensate. Yet I kept getting some shitty results.

I'm so sick and tired of doing my best and without reaping any sow.

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