Unfortunately, it took me from 10am all the way till 5pm.
Pretty much an eye-opener, especially those X-Rays etc. But I was rather perturbed by the fact that I was labelled as "cute" by some of the talkative officers there while extracting my blood and look like the following:

The whole conversation started when they saw me and commented that I might be going for Physical Employment Standards (PES) BP, which means Obese Basic Military Training (BMT),
and further asking what was my weight.
Then all those "cute" thing started happening and I was rather uneasy.
And to be honest, I was really expecting myself to go to PES -BP, but guess what people!
My obesity is MILD.
And I AM IN PES - B!!
And that means I'm fit for most operational exercises!
WAHAHAHAHA I'm happy!!
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