Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A message.

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Dear God (if you exist),

I don't know how should I begin writing this post, but I just want to pen down my thoughts about you. I know that I've been a very selfish person when it comes about religion.

I was brought up with Taoism/Buddhism, and I used to go to the temple to pray to you weekly, hoping that you would bring peace and safety to my family.

But as years passed, as my knowledge about other types of religious views increases, I stopped believing in you. But when my examinations or my overseas trips are coming, I prayed to you again.

They said that religion are created to make people find answers in life. Sometimes, I think that is the truth.

But religion has been existing for thousands of years and even more, surely you do exist right? But what if you don't exist, and all these are just blind faith that carried over generations and generations of Mankind?

I don't know if you still remembered an occasion when a family member got possessed and got into our home. I really wondered why didn't you help our family member when you were also in our house as well. (Or maybe you did help, I don't know.)

Someone commented that whether I was an atheist, and that he finds it ridiculous that I believe in the supernatural and aliens, but I don't believe in you.

To be honest, I'm really stuck in between. I don't call myself as an atheist. But I don't call myself as true believer either.

Sometimes, I ponder where do I go when I die, and they say you can only find answers in religion. It's not that I don't want to believe in you, and who doesn't want to believe in hope?

But the thing is that I refused to be blind follower because I haven't seen you. Seeing is believing, and God if you do exist, please give me a sign.

A sign that brings me closer to you. But if not, I'm still labelled as agnostic..

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