Thursday, May 04, 2006

Gruelling week.

Finally finished Mathematics Paper 1, Chemistry, Pure Geography and Social Studies. All of which are major subjects.


Questions being extremely hard around the back of the paper. Confident that I can pass it.
Now is the time to try and do my best for Paper 2.


I couldn't do some of the questions. Still, I got the confidence of passing Chemistry. Alot of classmates refused to do the paper after browsing through. More than half of the given time to do Chemistry, they rather lie their heads down, refusing to attempt any of the questions. I admire their mentality.


No problem attempting most of the questions, except that I spend too much time on one question. In the end, I did not have time to do a 7-mark question, which was to draw an aided diagram to explain how fold mountains are formed. Poor time management. Arghh..Hopefully can get a distinction with the help of Paper 1.


Amazingly, the topics that I spotted all came out for Mid-Year. Could do most of the questions, but I believe I left some points out.

I'm blogging for the sake of blogging. I'm going to revise as I have Maths Paper 2 tomorrow and Chinese paper the day after tomorrow. Than I will have a rest on the weekends before having exams resume on Monday. I would really want to pass my Maths... Sigh..

Let's all buck up!

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