Friday, September 29, 2006


I failed Maths miserably. Chemistry wasn't realistic.

I'm feeling extremely sad and disappointed. I seriously can't believe that some people of the class who failed worse than me can even talk and joke at this point of time. I'm amazed. While I had no mood to carry on with the other lessons, people were laughing, playing and having fun while the lessons were on. And I seemed to be the ONLY ONE having negative emotions.

"The result you get is equivalent to the hard work you put in."
The above sentence or proverb or whatever shit, is the top BULLSHIT sentence of all generations and era.
Hard work? I can even swear and vouch that I worked tripled that some of my classmates do. And the results? It's so unbelievable, you could even think that I'm incorrigible, and that I should burn the Maths Paper and mix it with water to produce a concoction and drink it, praying to God that I'll pass 'O' levels.
You will never understand my anguish.

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