Monday, September 25, 2006

Interesting Toy-Catching Machine.

Okay, I'm sure everyone knows of toy-catching machines, where it varies with 2 or 3 claws. It's fun to play these kind of things, especially the toys inside are extremely cute.. If you're attached, you probably ask your partner to catch them for you, provided you're a female..

Cute and sometimes expensive plushies for you to catch.

Now let me show you this SUPER INTERESTING MACHINE.

Let me introduce you, THE LOBSTER GAME!

Yes, instead of plushies, they're catching LIVE lobsters for $2 per try! If you manage to catch them, it will be your cheap dinner!

And they're happening in USA, Japan etc. I'm not very sure about Singapore. But if you do know of one, do let me know!

Here's some pictures from the amazing machine!

"Yay, another cheap seafood dinner! I'm getting good at this!"

!@#$@$%@ *Struggles to break free*

Seriously, if I were a boss of a restaurant in Singapore, I would definitely import these machines. They're fun, interesting and is a good source of income. It will make both adults and kids be amazed by these machines.

I do hope Singapore has one of these machines!

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