Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day.

Some people tell me that Valentine's Day can be celebrated at any other days. I disagree, because Valentine's day is a day where every couple in the world celebrate Valentine's Day. It's a day where we celebrate the beauty of love.

I decided not to go out with my friends tonight, because I just didn't have the mood. On a selfish part, I wanted this night to get over and done with.

Coincidentally, Valentine's Day is also the death anniversary of my paternal grandfather, so I went to pay him respects in my grandma's house.

So this year, I decided to spend this Valentine's Day alone, and I hope my ideal girl will show up someday. I'm still devoted to Selina though:

Before I end this post, I like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day and may everyone be in love!

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