Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Everything started with curiosity.

When you think of how people transformed over thousands of years to become what we are today, what drives them to evolved to us being so industralised and modernised?

One word: Curiosity.

It is only with curiosity that inventions are made by people, be it just a simple chair, a table or even utensils.

Let me give an example. We all know that cow produces milk, and that we have to squeeze its tits to extract them out.

A man milking a cow.

But think about it. During the old days, where Mankind knew NOTHING, which human being will be so curious about SQUEEZING a cow's NIPPLES, and when there is this particular white liquid OOZING out from its several nipples, he OPENS HIS MOUTH TO DRINK IT TO SEE IF IT IS SAFE TO DRINK OR NOT.

And nowadays, the 'modern' milk have several names like homogenised or pasteurised milk, and has to undergo several tests to kill off bacteria and germs.

See? Even nature's milk have to undergo so many processes just for human consumption.

As you're reading this, take a few seconds and look at your surroundings.

Think about how your soft drink is made; who would think of the perfect ingredients to make that soft drink.

Look at your plate of noodles. It's tasty. But who would really be curious to test out certain processes and ingredients to dish out such tasty noodles?

Curiosity will forever be with us. It's a learning process.

However, the learning process can be a tough one for others.

These people are those who needs to go through certain processes before understanding the full danger of it, even though they already witness events of it happening, but it did not deter them.

For example, despite anti-smoking campaigns that are around to deter people from smoking, there are still countless people who smoke.

An anti-smoking campaign.

People who already smoke will only realise that they should stop it when they start to have certain illnesses or symptoms.

Then, there are people who thinks that smoking won't get them addicted, and they start to smoke the first puff. The second puff. The third puff, and for the rest of their lives.

It simply goes the same for drugs abusers and little kids.

Why little kids?

Because kids are innocuous, and that they sometimes need to learn it the hard way.
When I was a kid, I would always like to touch the boiling kettle. My mom felt I needed to be taught a lesson because it was dangerous, she forced my index finger to the boiling kettle's surface for 5-6 seconds.
It was SO HOT, I cried for 4 hours. And I never touch the boiling kettle for 5 years.
It's the same thing when kids try to play with fire, or jumping around risking injury.
So people, curiosity is a quality that will help us learn, change and evolve to become the way we are now, be it good or bad.
I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of the idiom: Curiosity kills the cat.
Never mind.

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