Monday, July 23, 2007

I still dream like a kid.

I think I shouldn't watch fiction movies or whatsoever. I like to dream as a superhero who helped people and sacrifice himself for death.

For example, I was watching X-Men 3 last time, and I was so obsessed with Storm that I dream that I was the male version of Storm, probably Zeus.

Storm in X-Men 3.

Do you know how cool it is to have the ability to command lightning strikes that can frighten every single thing on Earth? And I'll electrocute bad people with bolts of lightning.

Next, is the famous cartoon Pokemon. It is the best cartoon I've ever seen when I was around Primary 5 or something.

I was so fantasised with it that I hope that there will be such a Pokemon world, which I can train my Pokemon to be top-notch condition.

I don't think I'm the only one who dreams of it. Even Pokemon fans like these (below) dress up for cosplay.

A Pokemon fan dressing as James from Team Rocket.

James from Team Rocket in the cartoon.

The next and final one is....

I'm pretty sure each and everyone of us are attracted to wizardry world. I was especially attracted after I read the first 3 books. And even more so when Harry Poter adapted movies came out.

I dream of being someone who had spells that can cause widespread destruction to the bad guys, and have the ability to heal anyone with any disease.

Harry Potter in one of the movies.
You know, dreaming about being an actor that involves fantasy is really cool.
CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) is the best technology ever in the movie industry.
So what do you dream about?

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