Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Please take note.

I would like to note that the pictures that are put in my blog, no matter if I poke fun of them, I assure that it will not be done maliciously. Why did I say that? Because Justin and Liang Zhi had a tiff of the pictures that I put up in my blog because of the previous post and I felt abit guilty. Whilst I decided to delete the picture, I must say that from today onwards, I will not delete the pictures as if I am obliged to do so.

Firstly, it's my blog.
Secondly, whatever I do to the pictures, either it is in the storyline, or that it happened, and I type it and makes sure that I do not go overboard. It's all innocuous.

So please be understanding enough to take this as a harmless joke. I respect everyone, but sometimes I do try to make my blog interesting because I felt my writing were, sometimes, serious.

Anyway, besides the serious note, you guys must have noticed the banner which had my birth date and wishes for me. Unlike sadistic Joel, who put curses on people if they doesn't wish him a birthday greeting, I'm different. All I wanted was to show the world my birth date, and if you're a nice person, all I want is a birthday greeting typed at my Chatterbox, or give me a Friendster testimonial.

If you think I'm self-aggrandizing, you're right.

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