Saturday, June 16, 2007

Miss diving..

I haven't been going to diving for months. Wait till I get a job, save money, and go to Malaysia, Indonesia or Maldives to dive! I still miss Pulau Dayang's one particular night. It was the only moment I wished that time would stopped for eternity, because it was the most beautiful night I've ever seen.

Speaking of diving, did I tell anyone that I sometimes have a fear of deep sea water? Well, being a very poor swimmer, I have this fear of going into deep water, especially when your feet cannot touch the sandbed. Perhaps I've got weak legs that can't carry me. Plus hearing stories that currents underneath will pull you down didn't help either.

I prefer to be at the shallow water rather than swimming in the sea. It kinda freaks me out.

Perhaps I should take swimming lessons again? Hmm..

But I still like diving nonetheless!

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